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Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church is part of a historic, orthodox Christian denomination called, “The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.”  


The LCMS is a denomination of Christianity with roots in the period of history called the

Reformation in the 16th century. The LCMS is a distinctly American church body that originated during the

19th century in the state of Missouri...(click HERE for more).


The Jesus Followers of Shepherd of the Mountains embrace an Orthodox faith founded on: 


  1. Trinitarian Faith 
  2. Sola Gratia - Grace Alone

  3. Sola Fide – Faith Alone
  4. Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone
  5. Salvation as a Gift from God through Jesus Christ

  6. Living in the Spirit of God - Newness in Life


(click HERE for more)


Discover more (Click on Subjects in which you are interested)
  1. How God works in us
  2. We are a Sacramental Church
  3. Leadership and Decision Making  

  4. Our Lifestyle - Our Commitment to Life and biblically define Moral living
  5. Church Membership
  6. The Church Year - Living in the flow of the Journey of Jesus



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